Sunday, February 28, 2010

The beginning of advocacy or the fall of Zion

By Ariel Shapiro

Many people sit in history classes and wonder. Sometimes they reach conclusions, but more often they do not. Most Jews are perplexed by the predicament that their minds have presented before them. For some it reached a point of utter disbelief. The question I am building up is the following: How did people, fellow citizens of Germany, Poland, Austria and others sit around and watch the holocaust happen before their eyes? How did they allow such proceedings to take place in their backyard? Yes, indeed, there were a number whom risked their lives for an unbelievable display of humanitarianism, but for the most part- they were indifferent!

Let’s make this a more compelling ordeal.

How could men, moral men, teachers and doctors, but most confusingly- fathers be Hitler-serving Nazis? How could these normal individuals go about the task of raping thousands and murdering 6,000,000 human being, Jews- included among them 1,500,000 children – often right in front of their eyes? Often with their own hands? And then return to their daily chores and loving family each evening?

This compelling query stands most tall in the glimmer of belief that people have an inherent good in them. That we are created in the image of G-d whom is all merciful. Surely we merited receiving a remnant of that mercy, one that should cause an exclusion of such a horrid history in dark, dark Europe? How could it be?

I think there is a man whom may have the answer. Not only that- he may also be one of the few appropriate candidates to finding such a solution. In Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler says: ‘by means of shrewd lies, unremittingly repeated, it is possible to make people believe that heaven is hell- and that hell is heaven’. And he proved it. Through the Nazi-constructed propaganda machine, the high command managed to convince almost every soldier that the ‘hell’ they were seeing was truly ‘heaven’.

By the time the final solution was decided upon, the S.S. and Einzatsgruppen didn’t see a human being standing before his self-dug grave but rather as a rat- vermin that needed to be exterminated. Not as a contradiction to human mercy and morality, but rather as a service to the human race. He was saving the world from a terrible imposter named the Jew. And to murder such a being became an elementary act of service to his people and his race.

When one enters the holocaust centre in Cape Town, the first inscription on the wall states: ‘discrimination does not always lead to genocide, but it always precedes it’. That is to say that a mass murder of a people will not sit well unless there is a reason for it to happen. There has to be some motive for such an act to take place- a justification, if you will, for such a tragic action.

On the 27th of January 2010, 65 years after the crematoria of Auschwitz were closed; having completed their job- a meeting took place. In this meeting, the Ayatollah Ali Khameinei of Iran, the man who wields the nuclear power of Iran threatened to open those crematoria again. He, along with his president Achmadinejad and puppeteer Hashemi Rafsanjani have called a spade a spade. They have done little to sow confusion as to their intentions.

Israel must be wiped off the map.1
‘in a nuclear exchange with Israel [Iran] might lose 15 million people, which would be a small ‘sacrifice’ from among the one billion Muslims worldwide in exchange for the lives of five million Israeli Jews.’2
‘The region will soon be free of the Zionist regime’ 3
Now let’s be clear. This is not the 1930’s. We do not speak of an empire that seeks the destruction of a small part of its citizens, nomads to the world. We speak of a state, a democratic state and a member of the United Nations- One that gives more to the world relatively than any other country. This state has been more than a refuge for a lost people. It is a miracle of the 20th century and a country to take pride in like no other.

So we have a question. I will refrain from the stamping of the anti-Semitism card to explain the world’s apathy to such threats. And to be true- some have responded with fire. We did see some dignitaries turn their backs on Mahmoud as he took the stand in Geneva. Not to mention the striking BDS campaign that a single figure of countries have subscribed to.

But! Hardly an apt response to a country we promised not to lend the earth to again.

So how can it be? How can it continue to be? Why is the world standing by while the red lights ‘genocide’, ‘hypocrisy’ and dare I say- ‘never again’ flash ever so bright?

To go back to the one man who played this game before, who won this game before. Hitler said it. Heaven has become hell. ???

To the world. Yes- even to the western world- there is a shift taking place. The Anti-Zionist card is thrown freely and it is legal. But world- do be careful. The hatred of a people with an ideology stands well within the reach of a hatred of a religion or a race. Especially when this ideology was/is a necessity for them. And, over time, the hatred is built. We are no longer a small nation seeking a homeland. Not a skeleton a bones finding a body. We are seen as a regime. Often as a regime that is as harsh as the one that almost destroyed us. An oppressive people. An apartheid state. A genocide loving, ethnic cleansing power.

From this point- it is not hard to practice prophecy. From here- it almost seems too simple. The world has learnt. The world is ready to fight against the enemy. They will not stand by as human beings are turned into ash. In fact this time they are on top of their game- they will not wait until D-day. They will act now.

Let me make this as clear as crystal. After the Ayatollah explained carefully his intentions to rid the world of this hell, his opposite, the president of Mauritania praised Iran’s efforts ‘to establish peace and tranquillity in the region’4- of creating a heaven.

But how can it be? Surely the same words were heard by us as were by him? Yes, indeed. In his mind, in his country’s mind, and in the mind of 59% of the world5- peace will come when the Israelis are gone. No longer will there be instability. No longer will an oppressed people remain occupied and beaten. No longer will Israel ‘expand its infiltration and dominance in the region’6. Soon help will arrive. Soon the world will be successful in getting rid of this vermin, this hell.

But, world, one question, and this is crucial.

For every Jew reading- here is your point of protest. Your task at hand.

Are the vermin you speak of not really just human? Is the hell you seek to destroy not really the heaven you love? One thing will spell the fall of Zion. After this point, prophecy is a game. When the world sees an Israeli as a rat. The heaven of Zion as the hell of apartheid. Then, we know, the end is near.

Monday, February 1, 2010

First past the post

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